Friday, December 3, 2010

a Merry Christmas afterall...

So....Clif just talked to my doctors office. Dr S that is. The RE. the receptionist said that my pre & post op appointments were covered under my surgery (which we already knew), and did not count towards my five covered visits. Therefore I have one paid appointment left **enter huge smile here**
So that relieves some stress for next week anyways! She also told Clif that they can always call Anthem and request more visits.
I cannot begin to tell you how much better I feel after hearing that! So maybe it won't be too complicated to get extra visits after all!
This really puts me back into the Christmas spirit! On with buying Christmas gifts, decorating, and spending time with family. I can let my mind rest...knowing that at least for now, everything is "ok".
Thanks to all who said a prayer for me! Please continue!!


mrslinares said...

Praying for you!!

Betty said...

I'm so glad you have gotten some good news! I'm sure that has really taken a load off for you!

Mrs*Popcorn said...

yay!!! <3

Lindsey said...

Saying a prayer!

Lori said...

Good!!!! Surgery related things shouldn't have to count as 'visits' since they are different medical procedures...continuing to pray and to lift you and Clif up!

Unknown said...

That is awesome news! Keeping you in my prayers.

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