Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Shack

So I'm reading the book "The Shack" by WM. Paul Young. Has anyone read it?? It's very interesting. I'm about halfway through. I think I'll post more after I finish. :)


Paige said...

It has been a while since i have read it, but i did enjoy it. it may not be completely accurate, but gave me a new perspective on my daughter and heaven!

MamaMishler said...

Yes I read about 2 years ago,I couldn't put it down! I need to reread it, it would be with a much different perspective now, since losing my little boy. I am sure I will cry many tears but I am definately going to look for it on my bookshelf. Thanks for posting about it! Hope you "enjoy" it. Hugs!

Radiant Readhead said...

read it just 2 weeks ago! love it!! really puts grief into a different perspective and is VERY profound. It made me feel better and a little more at peace. Enjoy!!

Kalialani said...

I read that book too! Before my daughter died...but anyways we'll talk about the book more when you finish it :) I don't want to ruin it for you.

Debbie said...

I've read it twice and then read it another time for a Bible study based on the book. I love it. ~Debbie

Jamie Wilson said...

i have heard good and bad things about it but i do want to read it. can't wait to hear your review of it.

Holly said...

I have read it. I really liked it

Megan said...

My husband got it for me for my birthday a few weeks ago! I have started it, but need to get back on it, I've been super busy lately and haven't had a chance to pick it back up.

Lori said...

I read it before Matthew died and didn't necessarily like it...didn't dislike it, but didn't find any major epiphanies like I figured I would.

But then again...maybe I had unrealistic expectations. Looking forward to what you think!

Lori said...

I read it before Matthew died and didn't necessarily like it...didn't dislike it, but didn't find any major epiphanies like I figured I would.

But then again...maybe I had unrealistic expectations. Looking forward to what you think!

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