Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Isn't He wonderful? Wonderful isn't He?

It's been a weird past few days, and I have a feeling that a lot more are coming my way! But that's okay...
I feel like my faith is being tested. I feel as if God is putting "things" in my path, just to see how I will react to them.
Ever had an argument and just been at a complete loss for words? That's how I feel. I have SO many things swimming around in my head... and I want to get them out into words, but when I try people just end up letting me have it.
So I have given it over to God. I have chosen to keep my words inside, and not worry about things that I cannot control. I realize that I can't control what people think about me...and if you know me, you know that I'm not one to worry about what people think of me. I take pride in being an individual who thinks for herself.
I have entirely to much going on in my life right now to worry with things that I cannot change. I mean, I have SO much.
Clif and I are still TTC, he is getting back into the swing of his job, I am learning the ins and outs of my new job... Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up soon, and with that comes a lot of emotions...not to mention that it's coming up on six months since Lilly went home to be with Jesus.
It's just a LOT going on, and it's overwhelming at times. I just don't have time for DRAMA. :)
I know that this is all jumbled, but this is just how my heart feels right now.
There is just so much on my heart and mind. Can I just give you guys a few prayer requests to pray for?

~For the "G" family as they celebrate the short life of "A" tomorrow, at her funeral.

~For Clif and I as we are TTC again this month, it's a long emotional road... but I know that God is going to work wonders in our life.

~For a situation that's going on in my life with a friend...or at least, I still view this person as a friend...but I'm pretty sure they don't view me this way anymore. Pray for understanding, for both parties.

~Pray for drama within my family. That it may be handled Christ like, and that things will work themselves out. No, that God will work these things out...and that all parties involved will be accepting of His perfect will.

~Pray for a gentleman that we know, he is in the hospital and has MS. He isn't doing so well...just pray that God would give him relief from the pain that he is feeling. And pray for his wife and two kids, also pray for their salvation.

~Pray for two very special friends who may be facing some potential life changing options. Pray that God will give them the guidance to take the right path...and pray that hopefully it will be that path that I would want for them (<haha okay that might be a little selfish)

~Pray for one of my best friends who I have been disconnected from for the last few years...pray that this person will return to not necessarily our church, but that this person may chose one and worship. Also, pray that our friendship may be restored. :) It has started to, but it's still not where it used to be growing up - and I desperately miss them.

~Please pray for the "F" family, the "A" family and the "G" family as I am sure most of them are still grieving their losses (of babies) in some way. Pray for those of them that are TTC once again, or will be in the future.

Please just pray that God's will may be done in each and everyone of these situations.
How awesome is the power of prayer? I am so thankful that the Lord has saved me, and that I have an open line of communication with Him, whenever I want. Isn't HE wonderful?


Holly said...

Perhaps you could write down your thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper to get them out and then either burn it or tear it into pieces and throw it away. Sometimes it just helps to let it all out.

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