Thursday, August 12, 2010

a glimpse of hope.

So since my appointment this morning, I've felt kinda iffy about everything that I'll be undergoing in the next few weeks. Almost like I really didn't believe that it would work - like nothing would come of it.

But then I googled IUI and started reading about it, and about the ovidrel that Dr S is going to be giving me (if there is a maturing egg) and I'm actually...(for the first time in a few months) excited. Hopeful. Looking forward to what the future may hold for Clif and me.


trennia said...

Praying that this will be your month sweetie,I really love Emily's ballerina collage you made me.

trennia said...

praying this will be your month girl!
Thanks again for Emily's ballerina collage I love it!

Caroline said...

Praying always


Hannah Rose said...

I'm so glad you are full of hope. Have you ever heard of David Teems? I think you would LOVE him! His cd "Hope from the Myst of Eden Series" is incredible. He has a very soothing voice and reads scripture with a soft piano playing in the background and it has waves crashing. It was such a comfort to me last year when the Lord brought me back to him and this year after losing Lily. It really has brought me such hope. I like to listen to it falling asleep or even just meditate on the words.

Check it out here:

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