Tuesday, April 6, 2010

...We just live too long.

You know how you always hear people say that, "life is too short" ? Well... I went to another branch today (I work at a bank,if I haven't mentioned it before) to do some things. This particular branch is at one of our local retirement communities. As I was walking into the building, I walked by two elderly men who were deep in conversation.
The one said the other, "We just live too long". Seriously... I wanted to cry. It broke my heart. I mean, I'm sure those little old men are lonely. Probably lost their wives, and there they are...all alone, just waiting. =(
It got me to thinking about things. We are always complaining about not having enough time, about how life is too short. What would it feel like to be on the other end of things? Instead of waiting around for things to happen...instead of never being satisfied...to be ready. Ready to die. Ready to rest. Ready to go home.


Raquel said...

Wow, I never really thought about it from that perspective before! :-) That definitely has me thinking, lol!

belle said...

as much as i have to live for.... the promise of what waits for me makes me ever ready to leave this world. i'm ready any time He is......

is that bad?

trennia said...

I'm ready...yes I love my husband and my five earthly children, but I'm tired...and I just honestly can't wait till I see Jesus face-to-face...and my three heavenly babies....I've caught myself saying life is short and flying by fast,but the last few days I've been like I'm ready Lord, just waiting on You,Lord.

Holly said...

What different view.

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