Sunday, January 8, 2012

Glock in Hand :)

Geez! So Clif is working night shift this week (bleh!) <---- please pray with us concerning this! We are so very blessed that he has been provided with a job, BUT... these shifts are killing us!
Anyway, back to the story...Clif is on night shift this week. The last few nights that he has worked have been REALLY stressful for me (not to mention the babies!). They are finally over their colds, but the boys are teething... AND we have been trying to switch their schedules (more on that later). So, tonight... my mommy came over to help me feed them their last bottles of the night, and put them down for the night.
Needless to say, the babies weren't having it...and it took us longer than expected. We were finally able to get everyone fed, asleep, and in their cribs by 9ish.
So I'm sitting on the couch, trying to teach myself how to crochet and I hear a vehicle coming up our driveway. My first thought was, "Did they let Clif come home for some reason?" I peek out the window to see a big (loud!) pick up truck, complete with redneck looking lights all the way across the front of the truck. Oh, did I mention that it was 10:30pm?
My first thought was, "We live out in the boonies...and I am home with three infants". What did I do? Went and grabbed the GLOCK! :) I looked out the window, hoping to see a familiar face or vehicle, but found neither. It was dark and all  I heard was two truck doors open and close. By this time, adrenaline was GUSHING through my veins. I high tale it to the kitchen, which is where our back door is. Before I even reach the door, there banging on the door. Gun in hand, I went to the door...refused to open it... but did pull down the blinds and yell, "can I help you?" There were two massive men standing on my back the dark, and do you know what they asked me??? They wanted to know if I had seen their HOUND DOGS! Really? Are you serious? It's 10:30 at night, and you're going to bang on my door because you can't find your dogs?
They left after I told them that I had not seen their dogs *rolling eyes*, but continued driving up and down our road...and I would assume knocking on everyone else's doors. Too bad they didn't know that we have some "not so nice" neighbors. :) So I email Clif at work, just to let him know what was going on. He called almost immediately, and told me to call my dad and have him come drive up and down the road - and see if he could find the truck. Next thing I know, Clif is coming home on his lunch break. :) In the five minutes that Clif was home, he ensured that all the doors were locked, peeked in on the babies sleeping away in their cribs, and taught me how to use our 12 guage shot gun (as if the Glock wouldn't be enough...).
As I type, I have the glock by my side...and the shot gun is sitting in the corner of our bedroom.
:) Okay, done with my little rant/story. It's midnight and I am wide awake from all the happenings of tonight.
Keep your eyes out for a SIX MONTH update on the babies! I cannot believe that our Precious Little Ones are six months old. Seriously, it seems like yesterday that Dr.Slackman looked at me and explained that they had missed one, and that we were having triplets. I am so thankful for how far we have come! My Mom and I are headed to take the kids for their check up/shots on Wednesday. Look forward to posting about their accomplishments since the last check up! Annnnnd, our six month photo shoot will be taking place sometime this week as well. Yay! OH, and on the agenda for next weekend? Elliana and I are going to the mall to get her ears pierced! SO excited!! Stay tuned... 


Caroline said...

So glad God was watching over you & nothing terrible happened. I'm glad you got a hold of Clif.

Yay for 6 months so hard to believe. Yay for getting ears done too.

Take care & your all in my prayers always.

Love ya

Jennifer said...

Ask you ped. about piercing her ears. Mine offered to do LR's when she was a baby. Some do and some don't might save you a trip to the mall though! Glad everyone is safe!

Nicole said...

Triplets? Adorable!

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