Monday, June 21, 2010

speaking of my heart not beating...

Please say a prayer for heart is doing something really weird tonight. It did it a few times earlier today - but it is happening more and more often now.

I am sitting completely still...have been all night long. But at random, my chest gets kinda tight and takes my breath away. Almost like my heart is racing. :(

Clif is at work, and I don't want to go to sleep without him here with me...


betty said...

(((Desiree)); Lord, watch over Desiree and help her to feel better; help her to feel your comfort and to feel your peace. wrap your arms around her and hep her to feel better, in Jesus' name I pray, amen.

I'm not a doctor and I wouldn't diagnose anything, but I wonder if you are a bit anxious and maybe having an anxiety attack? Do call your doctor just to be sure; can you call your mom or a friend to be with you???


Jennifer said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I actually went to the ER for this a couple of weeks after Eli died and have it off and on. They call it PVC's, they say your heart is throwing PVC's actually. It comes from anxiety. My husband actually experienced it also as well as a friend of mine who lost her little fella three days before me. When I experience this it will last for a few days and generally taper off. Take a warm bath and try to relax some. Praying for you! If you do not feel better, you should call your dr. and see what they suggest you do.

Anonymous said...

I was going to encourage you to go the ER hon, but your post was last night. I pray that you are ok. Please update us as soon as you possibly can.

trennia said...

Hope you are feeling better,you should get it checked out!
I have those heart racing moments and lose my breath when I get upset.Go to the dr. please

Anonymous said...

It sounds like some kind of anxiety attack to me. :( I would talk to your doc about it. <3

Unknown said...

You have my prayers.


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