Monday, January 30, 2012

a little bit of this...a lot a bit of that.

:) I know, I know... I'm getting pretty bad with this whole blogging thing. I have a million things rolling around in this head of mine that I would like to get pecked out on here... but to be honest, the majority of it probably won't make it.
My "spare time" (HA!) these days is devoted to: cleaning (aka, doing NOTHING other than baby laundry, baby dishes...and well, that takes up all my time), making baby food, feeding babies...changing babies...playing with babies...holding screaming babies! Speaking of screaming babies...there are currently three non-stop screamers that reside at my house. >.< guessed it. Three teething babies. Poor Elliana has yet to bust one out, BUT... her gums are thin and swollen...she acts hungry, but doesn't want to eat...and yeah, she's teething. Eli has two bottom teeth completely through, one top that's half way there and the other top that should break gum any given moment. :) Easton's bottom right has finally broke gum... and whew boy! Let me tell ya... he hasn't been taking it well.
Okay, I am only two paragraphs into this post and already I am bouncing around. Let's see...
Tomorrow I will be 24 years old. Wow. Not a big number...but I'm here to tell ya I feel SOOOOO much older than that. Four, almost five years of marriage and four babies later...tends to wear a young body out.
Clif and I actually were able to celebrate my birthday this past weekend. We went out by ourselves for the first time in like five and a half months. :) We left the babies with our mom's and future sis in law. Definitely on the list of the harder things that I've had to do concerning the babies.
For my birthday, Clif got me a tattoo...some cute chunky bracelets to cover said tattoo (whenever I decide to enter the dreaded working world again >.<), some new clothes (more on that in a second), and dinner at Kabuki.  We celebrated over the weekend because Clif is on night shift... and working tomorrow night. :( More on that too...
Let's go with the good first! I am really shy about talking about this, because I don't like the attention that it draws... BUT...Since July 15th,2011 I have lost 73 pounds. And since starting weight watchers I have lost 37 pounds. Very personal information here... but, I guess I can't be too embarrassed seeings as I did have THREE humans living inside me for a while ;) I started out in July in a size 14 (and it was TIGHT). Seriously, the biggest I have ever been. I didn't take it well, but it was soooo worth it. On Saturday, I slipped on my first size 8 about 3 1/2 years. :) :) :) I'm pretty excited about seeing results! I have about twenty two pounds left to lose before I hit my "goal" weight...which will be what I weighed when Clif and I got together.
And the bad...Clif received word last week that his shift is changing. Drastically. He will be working night shift for extended periods of time. And as I'm sure most of you can imagine...we are not happy about it. To put it lightly. Not only are we "not happy" about it, but it just is not going to work for our family. Well, let me put that a different way. We know that if this is God's will...and He wants Clif to remain where he is... that the Lord will provide...and make it work. However, in my head...I don't see it working. ;) Guess that's why I'm not in control of my own life, huh? Please pray with us concerning this change. We are leaving it in the Lord's hands...with our desire being that there may be an 8-5 position open for Clif, so that he may not only be able to be at home with us every night... but also that we would be able to be in church together as a family every weekend.
Time is ticking away, and I know that I will find myself in the "job hunt" status soon. It's been wonderful staying at home with my three little blessings, but said blessings don't come cheap! We have been incredibly blessed in so many aspects, one way being that we have been financially able for me to stay at home. And while it's been amazing... Clif and I both know that it cannot be permanent. looks like sometime after RSV season passes, I will be looking for a job :( Please pray with us that something may open with the company that I worked at previously when the time comes.
Speaking of RSV, Praise the Lord that our children have remained relatively healthy this winter...with the exception of a few little colds here and there. :) Clif and I are SO looking forward for the "rsv season" to be over and done with so we can get outside with these kids and breathe in some FRESH air! :) Not to mention that we've been locked up inside our house for way too long. We take the 3 E's to the doctor on Wednesday for their February Synagis shot, and then only one more for March! YAY! Soooo excited for it to be over with!
Well... I know this was a weird, all over the place post... but...that's me now-a-days! :)

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